We accomplish large-scale web-based, data-driven projects of data science and software engineering.
We design, develop and deploy manifold software applications, automating
data management and analytics. We help our client address emerging problems of various kinds.
Our projects branch out into many areas, for example:
Trend Forecast
We create unique business intelligence applications,
forecasting trends with high accuracy, helping our clients make informed decisions
in technology and product investments, and addressing other predictive problems.
Marketing Support
We build databases and analytical tools which maximize ROI of marketing effort,
improving marketing strategy, delivering effective messages, and obtaining
substantial responses to digital marketing champions.
Customer Relationship
We design and build cloud-based web analytical systems for understanding
customer preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention,
offering personalized services, and achieving meaningful communication.
Data Processing
We invent machine learning and artificial intelligence software for efficient
big-data processing, accurate information delivery, text and media analysis,
information management, and data security.
Health Science
We build web-based computational applications for health evaluation,
therapeutic research, nutrition recommendation, treatment assessment,
and health information services.
Cognitive Development
We innovate novel artificial intelligence tools for cognitive improvement,
adaptive learning, real-time learning assessment, personalized learning assistance,
and mental health support.